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Monday, January 28, 2008

Jewelry for healing: true or false?

There are many common things in this world. Two of these things are jewelry wearing and the belief in a higher power. Depending on how the jewelry is created, many people think that the pieces they wear have special powers, making them feel better in more ways than one. Given these facts, it is now common practice to wear jewelry for healing.But how can one obtain such jewelry? I mean it is not like you come up one day with an idea of something you think it looks nice and determine that piece of jewelry has healing powers. It is a process that takes time and determination, and most of all belief.For one thing, if someone that wants to create jewelry for healing, the starting point would be the materials used for manufacturing. Pure materials, like gold and silver, as well as gemstones are some of the most common pieces used for creation.Going back ages ago, people back then believed that some gemstones have specific powers that can aid them throughout their lives. For instance, the most popular gemstone of all, the diamond, was believed to dispel madness and poison, and also witchcraft.Related to poison, it was a common belief that a ruby turns cloudy and an opal turns pale when they are near such substances. The ruby was also believed to ward off stress and evil thoughts, while the opal was helpful when it came to internal diseases.Using these gemstones to create pieces of jewelry for healing is still practiced today. Depending on culture, some people still think that they posses these powers. But, considering that every fairytale starts from a truth, they may have a point. If you are interested in wearing jewelry for healing, the aspect of the piece you want to buy is essential. I, for one, wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something that looks like it was cut up from a comic book. Therefore, apart from the unseen benefits, jewelry art plays an important role for the use of a particular piece.As we all know, when someone says art, they mean something you can admire. Many people depict various activities as art because they enjoy watching them take their course. When it comes to jewelry art, this implies a unique piece that can be viewed with admiration by anyone, even though they may not understand it.The most obvious features that set apart jewelry art are craftsmanship and design. The later is important because everyone wants to wear something unique and the other because the most common things that stand out are the flaws. If your jewelry has flaws, and others start noticing them, then your enthusiasm about it will easily wear off in a short while.If you are interested in products of this kind, be sure to visit Their designer is David Weitzman and he managed to create harmony between jewelry art and special healing powers. The materials used are pure, the designs come from sacred geometry shapes and the submission to a special energizing process through meditation attribute each piece their powers.
About the Author
If one believes, one receives. So if you are a strong believer in the hidden powers of the things surrounding us, then you will not repel the idea of using jewelry for healing. If you visit the website mentioned afore, you will not make any compromise on jewelry art either.

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